Our unique treatment process guarantees the utmost purity and safety. Starting with robust filtration, we employ advanced methods like reverse osmosis and UV purification to create exceptionally clean and safe water.
In our first Filter Step, Andara Water purifies your tap water through our specifically designed and high-quality filter reverse osmosis system manufactured in Korea.
But before the Water is running through our Osmose System it is getting pre-filtered. In this pre-filtering process, we use a magnet that rounds off the chalk in the water and converts it to aragonite, and deletes all old Water Information. This prevents the chalk from sticking to the membrane and allows us to give the Water new information. In this pre-filtration process, we include also an M F-2000 Membranfilter which keeps the Water Gem-free. This entire Pre- Filtration process guarantees our Filter the ultimate longevity.
Our water filters remove impurities and contaminants to provide clean, safe, and refreshing drinking water, in the first step. After filtering the water, we use other technologies to give the water therapeutic properties. This makes it easier for the body to absorb minerals and allows us to ensure the maximum and best water supply to the body’s cells conductivity and restoring the DNA.
Another crucial step is water structuring. Our unique technology promotes the formation of hexagonal water, known for its optimal cellular functionality and enhanced hydration. By structuring the water, we maximize its positive impact on the body and enhance your overall well-being.
This innovative technology, The Tesla Coil High-Frequency Electromagnetic Radioing System, harnesses the power of high-frequency electromagnetic radio waves to code and transform water clusters, potentially offering unique benefits for energetic health and healing.
Lastly, we ensure hydrogen enrichment of the water. Molecular Hydrogen water is recognized as a powerful antioxidant that aids the body in fighting free radicals and possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Through hydrogen enrichment, we provide an additional layer of health promotion.